Dialogs Bootstrap

Demonstrates modal dialogs using UIKit

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Many CSS toolkits include styles (and Javascript) for creating modal dialog boxes. This example shows how to use HTMX alongside original JavaScript provided by Bootstrap. We start with a button that triggers the dialog, along with a DIV at the bottom of your markup where the dialog will be loaded: ``` @app.get def page(): return Div()( Button( "Open Modal", hx_get=modal, hx_target="#modals-here", data_bs_toggle="modal", data_bs_target="#modals-here", cls="btn btn-primary", ), Div(id="modals-here", cls="modal modal-blur fade", style="display:none")( Div(cls="modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-centered", role="document")(Div(cls="modal-content")) ), ) ``` This button uses a GET request to /modal when this button is clicked. The contents of this file will be added to the DOM underneath the #modals-here DIV. The server responds with a slightly modified version of Bootstrap’s standard modal ``` @app.get def modal(): return Div(cls="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered")( Div(cls="modal-content")( Div(cls="modal-header")(H2("Modal title")), Div(cls="modal-body")("Modal body text goes here."), Div(cls="modal-footer")(Button("Close", cls="btn btn-secondary", data_bs_dismiss="modal")), ) ) ```

Server Calls