Infinite Scroll
Demonstrates infinite scrolling of a page
The infinite scroll pattern provides a way to load content dynamically on user scrolling action.
Let’s focus on the final row (or the last element of your content):
def make_last_row(page, limit):
return Tr(hx_trigger="revealed", hx_swap="afterend", hx_get=load_contacts.rt(page=page + 1))(
Td(page * limit),
def load_contacts(page: int, limit: int = 5):
rows = [Tr(Td("Smith"), Td((page - 1) * limit + i)) for i in range(1, limit)]
return *rows, make_last_row(page, limit)
This last element contains a listener which, when scrolled into view, will trigger a request. The result is then appended after it. The last element of the results will itself contain the listener to load the next page of results, and so on.
<blockquote><ins>revealed</ins> triggered when an element is scrolled into the viewport (also useful for lazy-loading). If you are using overflow in css like overflow-y: scroll you should use intersect once instead of revealed.</blockquote>