Delete Row

Demonstrates row deletion in a table

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This example shows how to implement a delete button that removes a table row upon completion. First let’s look at the table body: ```python Table( Thead(), Tbody( Tr(), Tr(), Tr(), Tr(), hx_confirm="Are you sure?", hx_target="closest tr", hx_swap="outerHTML swap:1s", ) ) ``` The table body has a `hx-confirm` attribute to confirm the delete action. It also set the target to be the closest tr that is, the closest table row, for all the buttons (hx-target is inherited from parents in the DOM.) The swap specification in hx-swap says to swap the entire target out and to wait 1 second after receiving a response. This last bit is so that we can use the following CSS: ``` tr.htmx-swapping td { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s ease-out !important; } ``` To fade the row out before it is swapped/removed. Each row has a button with a hx-delete attribute containing the url on which to issue a DELETE request to delete the row from the server. This request responds with a 200 status code and empty content, indicating that the row should be replaced with nothing. ```python Tr( Td("Angie MacDowell"), Td(""), Td(Button("Delete", hx_delete="/contacts/1", cls="btn secondary")), ) ```

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