Cascading Select
Demonstrates making the values of a select dependent on another select
In this example we show how to make the values in one select depend on the value selected in another select.
To begin we start with a default value for the make select: Audi. We render the model select for this make. We then have the make select trigger a GET to /models to retrieve the models options and target the models select.
Here is the code:
def page():
return Div(cls="container")(
H3("Pick A Make/Model"),
Select(name="make", hx_get=models.rt(sleep=1), hx_target="#models", hx_indicator=".htmx-indicator")(
Option("Audi", value="audi"),
Option("Toyota", value="toyota"),
Option("BMW", value="bmw"),
Select(models("audi"), id="models"),
Img(width="20", src="/img/bars.svg", cls="htmx-indicator"),
When a request is made to the /models end point, we return the models for that make:
def models(make: str, sleep: int = 0):
cars = {
"audi": ["A1", "A4", "A6"],
"toyota": ["Landcruiser", "Tacoma", "Yaris"],
"bmw": ["325i", "325ix", "X5"],
return tuple(Option(v, value=v) for v in cars[make])
And they become available in the model select.